It’s been a slow start to spring this year but my hair needed to get redone and what better time to do it than right before my thirtieth birthday. The start of spring always signifies something new to me and this year being somewhat of a milestone, I decided I wanted a new look to go with my fresh start. I bleached and dyed my hair for the first time a year ago and love it. I had gone from virgin hair to a very vibrant fuschia colour. Well, it’s been a full seven months since I had my hair refreshed and from the looks of the before photo, it was about time I went in to get my hair did. My colour had become brassy with some leftover clumps of fuschia still visible and coupled with the split ends, it was not a good look.
I had initially come in to get my hair done by my colorist, Joanna Phuong, asking for a lavender melt but after comparing swatches, I ended up liking the rose gold a lot more. I was also told that the lavender colour tends to wash out faster than the rose gold so that made my decision-making process easy. Funny that she also mentioned I’m one of her few clients that actually asks for warmer tones – most like the cooler violets, purple and greys. Before we could reach that nice rose gold shade though, we had to lighten my hair and refresh my balayage. It had grown out quite significantly after a year and I was excited to update my do.
This would be my second bleaching session and there was a reason it took almost a year for me to lighten my hair again – it takes about seven hours to complete one lightening session. I had to have multiple sections of my hair wrapped in foil and then put under a heat lamp to achieve my balayage. Not going to lie, sitting in this chair for seven hours straight during this metamorphic process was pretty tiring. However, knowing I was getting closer to achieving my lighter shade was getting me through. After these sheets of foil came off, Joanna applied the dye to tone my bleached hair and after waiting for it to set, she gave it a thorough wash to reveal the new colour.
We actually ended up colouring it twice that day because the first time applying the rose gold, it didn’t make much of a difference to my hair colour-wise. We did manage to achieve a nice melt on the first try but I felt like it looked too similar to the colour I came in with; I didn’t get the feeling that my hair had gotten a makeover. After much deliberation – while momentarily considering colouring it purple – Joanna suggested we mix in some midnight rose to the rose gold for a more vibrant concoction. We tried toning it a second time and voila – we had gotten closer to the rose gold we had set out to achieve.
I would have to lighten it a third time to get my locks looking like the unicorn pink I’d love to have one day but for now, I’m pretty happy with this subtle tone for spring. If I’ve learned anything from hair colouring – it definitely looks different depending on the light you’re standing in. We found that my colour was more vibrant and had shades of rose gold under natural lighting, whereas the pink didn’t seem as noticeable indoors. It took me a few days to actually get used to my new hair colour. After a few washes though, it has faded out nicely and I’m loving it more as it begins to lighten over time.
Joanna Phuong
IG: @colorbyjp
DM for inquiries
Gorgeous!! This colour looks fabulous on you 🙂 the long wait was worth the results!
Thanks so much! I’m glad you like it 😊